Repozitoriul Instituțional al Universității de Stat din Moldova (RI USM)

Repozitoriul Instituțional al Universității de Stat din Moldova (RI USM)

Institutional Repository of Moldova State University (IR MSU)

  • Repozitoriul Instituțional al Universității de Stat din Moldova reprezintă arhiva digitală cu acces deschis a rezultatelor cercetărilor științifice și științifico-didactice efectuate în cadrul universității. Conținutul arhivei este multidisciplinar și include lucrări din domeniile științelor exacte și socio-umanistice.
  • The Institutional Repository of the State University of Moldova is an open access digital archive of the results of scientific and scientific-didactic research carried out within the university. The archive's content is multidisciplinary and includes works from the fields of exact sciences, social sciences and humanities.

    Recent Submissions

    Strategii eco cu produse biologice în livezile de măr
    (CEP USM, 2024) Stingaci, Aurelia; Goncharuk, Violeta
    Products of microbial origin in combined with para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) derivatives, can be the basis for organic farming and plant resistance to unfavorable environmental factors inducing, as well as for the crop yield increase. The article presents the results of the study of the efficiency of fruit-cultures and potato plantations treatment with aqueous suspensions of entomopathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki and Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis with addition of para-aminobenzoic acid derivatives solutions in concentrations 10-2, 10-4, 10-6 mM.. The results demonstrate the possibility of using entomopathogenic bacteria in a tank mixture with pABA to create biological preparations as alternatives to pesticides and the development of biological methods of plant protection.
    Research on corn tolerance to drought and heat in the context of changing plant-soil-water-air relationships caused by climate change
    (CEP USM, 2024) Spinu, Angela
    The study in this thesis evaluated a set of maize genotypes (simple hybrids) in field and laboratory conditions with different hydric stresses in different localities using a welldefined drought index to identify higher resistance/tolerance traits to drought and heat with a direct impact on final production.
    The using of bio preparations against summing pests (thrips and aphids) in growing winter wheat
    (CEP USM, 2024) Serhieiev, Leonid; Burykina, Svitlana; Uzhevska, Svitlana; Rudenko, Vyacheslav; Vlasenco, Serghei; Khodorchuk, Vasyl
    The results of using biopesticides on winter wheat against thrips and aphids are presented. It was determined that pre-sowing treatment of seeds with biological preparations does not lead to a change in the number of thrips and aphids. To control their number, it is advisable to use bioinsecticides: against aphids, the most effective was the triple use of a mixture of 3% solutions of Lincomycin BT + Bezimid BT (1:1), where the efficiency was 83.3%, and the effectiveness of biological preparations against thrips ranged from 40.6% to 55.8%. The combined use of biological and chemical insecticide increases the effectiveness of the biological preparation while reducing the chemical load. Early sowing of winter wheat contributes to increase in the population of imago plants and thrips larvae and, to a lesser extent, aphids.
    Prevalence of herbicide-resistant weed species in Ukraine
    (CEP USM, 2024) Schwartau, Victor; Mykhalska, Liudmyla; Makoveychuk, Tetyana; Tretiakov, Vadym
    Impact of bacteriophages on the fire blight disease prevalence on qiunce
    (CEP USM, 2024) Samoilova, Anna
    The effect of the phage therapy in the fire blight disease control was studied at the quince experimental plot and in the quince orchard. Quince plants at the experimental plot were treated with Erwinia amylovora bacteriophages over the last ten vegetation seasons while quince trees at the orchard were treated with preparations recommended for the fire blight control. It was found out that in the conditions, favorable for the fire blight causative agent development, the disease prevalence in the orchard where the phage therapy was not used was significantly higher than on the quince trees treated with bacteriophages.